Illustration of Acqua di Stresa - Italy: by Shell-Sherree: pigment ink pen & watercolour
I don't speak Italian {aside from the occasional cheerily pretentious
"Ciao, bella!" amongst friends}. And I forgot to ask Katie about this shop
{thanks for the inspiration, bella!} So I really should have done some research before deducing its name could mean
Water of Stress ~ then applying the logic that no-one would encourage people to use
Water of Stress, therefore it must be one of those funky reverse meaning things, whereby it actually means
Water of De-Stress... aha, a day spa! Delighted at the excuse to finally show you
this spa in action, I launched into today's illustration, only to discover once finished that it's actually
a perfumerie in the Italian town of
Stresa on Lago Maggiore, and symbolic of "charming melancholy, passion and poetry". Not to worry. Let's inhale their scented waters, relax into a new weekend and use the occasion to try some
Italian delicacies for a change. I have not implemented a system for cataloguing our wardrobe choices, so forgive me if we're
wearing the same outfit twice. It's better for the planet anyway. And on that note...
Happy Frivolous Friday to you!