Fashionable Friday : Vintage Vixens

Fashion and Fluffballs illustration: Muddled Lilac and Vintage Vixens  © Shell-Sherree
Fashion and Fluffballs illustration: Muddled Lilac and Vintage Vixens  © Shell-Sherree

The penny farthing has dropped that I'm increasingly taken with illustrating vintage fashions {and not overly flash at knowing in which era penny farthings were invented.  Insert shrug of insouciance here}.

This led me to thinking ... is it time to sashay into the world from a film reel of glamorous day-to-day dressing times and see if it catches on?  Faux fur and feathers obligatory but nary a bone of corsetry in sight?  Could we have just one day a week in which vintage vixenry is the norm, or would the world wobble off its axis as surely as a penny farthing rider with a bee in his bonnet?

Let us lower our fluffy stoles, imprint lipstick on glasses of sherry and draw seams on our legs as we wonder.  And on that note ...

Happy Fashionable Friday to you!


  1. Do others approve of feathers and fluff? Now it's time for my own shrug of insouciance (a phrase I love and might steal, if I remember it when it's timely).

    1. Thanks, dear Petrea! Glad you love it. Feel free to use it if, when and as you wish ~ and leave the feathers and fluff to my imagination.

  2. Hey, as long as I can stick with 21st-century undies and don't have to pull on a pair of pantyhose either, I'm happy to fashion time travel several days a week, just for the fun of it. Renaissance maiden on Sunday, Scarlett O'Hara on Tuesday . . .

    1. I'm all for modern undies, ma chere !! As for pantyhose, those things should be reserved for tying plants to stakes in the garden.


Merci, grazie, thank you for joining our conversation lounge. Your smile lights up the room. Even more beautifully than our crystal chandelier. x

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